In today’s episode, Aditya calls Jhanak as soon as she wakes up in the morning and tells Janak that Janak, I am waiting for you outside the hotel. Then she asks, Sir, there is no audition today, then why are you waiting for me outside. On this, Aditya tells Jhanak that today we have to go to a party, maybe you remember, Jhanak says yes, I remember, so you also need a good dress for there, on this Jhanak says that I have some old clothes. I will wear some of that to which Aditya says no, it is not worth wearing, so you will have to buy a new dress to replace it and that is why I am waiting for you outside the hotel, you come, on which Jhanak strongly dissuades him and says No, she will not go with Aditya to buy the dress because it is not a good thing and secondly, Aditya is not her friend. On this, Aditya understands him very much and insists very much that it is okay, you take my money now and return it to me later.

Image Credit: hotstar – serial Jhanak
Jhanak Episode 20th August 2024: Arshi try to find some answer
On which Jhanak says that no, I don’t want to do anything like that nor am I comfortable in going with you to buy the dress, so please don’t take it. This wins her a lot, after which Jhanak agrees and She says okay, I am coming, you wait for me. Here Anirudh happily comes to Arshi and says Arshi, come on, we have to go to buy your dress, on which Arshi asks her a lot of questions and asks if Jhanak is also going to buy the dress. After that, Arshi also says that if our friendship with Jhanak was good and she was a good girl, then I would definitely have given her a lift to the party and would have taken her to buy the dress. Why would we do this when Jhanak herself is self-dependent then why would we do this work just to come? No Anirudh you don’t know this. Arshi says this and says do you know with whom she will come to the party. Then Anirudh says yes, I know with whom she will come to the party. After that Arshi tries to fill Anirudh’s ears about Jhanak. After that Arshi asks whether Jhanak has lost the competition deliberately and then she asks Anirudh. She asks that she can do this only if you make her to do this, on which Anirudh gets angry and angrily says that if you want to ask such useless questions then you can and I am not going to buy the dress with you. I am staying here in the room, she says, ok ok, forgive me and let’s go to buy the dress.
20th August 2024 Jhanak Episode: Abbu misses Laloon
Here in the Basu house, Abbu is very upset and is missing Laloon, then a maid of the house who lives in the colony tells her that Laloon has said that if Abbu does not eat food and medicine properly and If she doesn’t get better soon then he will never come to meet her. On this Abbu says, “I am fine, I am fine, I don’t have any problem.” On this his maid says, “No, now you are sick and you should eat your food.” You are on medicine, then Laloon will not come to meet you in this condition.
On which Abbu cries and says that he does not love me at all, he is just letting me flow, then maid said, “don’t you know that the people of the entire colony are very afraid of Laloon, so you also listen to them. Believe me, he will definitely come to meet you”. She says that if I die, go and tell him that he will definitely come to see her. On this, Maid scolds on her and says, don’t even say such a thing, otherwise Laloon will never talk to you. And she will never come to meet you and she also instructs her not to tell this thing at home that I tell you about the things in the colony and I tell you the things about here in the colony, otherwise I will lose my job, on which Abbu does not tell her. No, nothing like that will happen, don’t worry.
Jhanak 20th August 2024 Episode Update: Anirudh and Jhanak in the same shop
Here, after a lot of persuasion by Aditya, Jhanak was ready to buy the dress but she was not in the mood because in her mind she has accepted Anirudh as her husband and she says that today she has to go with a stranger to buy the dress. Before that, her mother used to buy that dress for her. Then Jhanak talks about how well his married life was going. And here as soon as Abbu’s mother brings milk for Abbu, Abbu refuses to drink the milk. Then Abbu remains that mother, do you know that Laloon will come to meet me? Then his mother says to him, what are you saying? Then her gaze falls on the maid and she say, do you talk about this here and there, do you tell Laloon about Abbu then she said no Mam, I am not doing this but then Abbu says that you are lying girl, you have told me that Laloon will come to meet me. Then her mother is trying to silence her and asks, have you made sure that Laloon will not come to meet you and neither will you go to meet him, but she still cries and keeps shouting ‘Laloon Laloon’. Just then Tanuja and Bipasha enter and both of them ask Abbu’s mother that what is she shouting in the whole house, on which her mother says that I am there to take care of her, she will shut up but she is there too, Laloon Laloon, on which Bipasha and Tanuja say that she is very mischievous, she knows everything for herself, what to do when and what not to do and she just harasses others.
Jhanak 20th August 2024 Written Update: Aditya buying dress for Jhanak
Here, as soon as Aditya come to the showroom with Jhanak where Anirudh and Arshi already there but they don’t have an idea about it, Jhanak’s face is completely pale, then Aditya asks her that you have come to dress, so why are you not happy, then Jhanak keeps asking him, “How can I be happy?” I don’t want to buy the dress. Here Arshi and Anirudh reach the showroom to get the dress and she gets a very good welcome in the showroom, then the showroom owner asks in which colour do you want to see it, on which Arshi asks Anirudh which colour should we get. Then Anirudh suggests that we should buy blue or sky blue colour, then the shopkeeper shows Arshi two dresses in the same colour and from which Arshi goes to finalize them, then she also insists on Anirudh that he should also buy something for himself because you today also you are going to give me company in the party and we are doing twining with each other then after much persuasion Anirudh says ok ‘I will buy something for myself too’ then Anirudh goes to see something for himself in the same showroom and then after some time in the same showroom Aditya and Jhanak comes. And here Jhanak is a little sad on which Aditya asks her why are you sad then Janak says, I did not feel like dressing up and you forcefully brought me to address and then I will have to spend my money. On which Aditya says that why are you keeping the same thing again and again, now I will give this money because I have brought you to get the dress, later when you have the money back then return it to me. Then when those people go to the showroom owner, the showroom owner welcomes them very much and said ‘Mam you are the winner of the Dance show’ Then Jhanak says no, I am not that girl, I have not won the dance performance, don’t say that, then the seller tells her that no one, you went to the finals, isn’t that also equivalent to winning, then in the meantime, Adtiya told shop owner show me very costly and very good dress of your shop. In which colour do you want to see the dress then Aditya asks Jhanak which colour do you want then Jhanak says white colour and remembers that Anirudh always used to tell him. That white and red collars look very good on you and then Jhanak wonders why I pay so much attention to Anirudh’s words even today. Meanwhile, Anirudh sees Jhanak in the shop and says that Jhanak, you are going shopping with a stranger and on top of that, you are agreeing to everything he says, but thinking like this, Anirudh becomes sad in his heart and here Jhanak is also sad.
With this, today’s episode ends but it will be very interesting to see in the upcoming episode how Anirudh will feel bad after seeing Jhanak and Aditya together in the party and what will be his next step. It will be interesting to see. If it becomes more interesting then stay with us for such latest written updates.