Anupama 21st August 2024 Written Update: Indira ji complained the case against her son and daughter-in-law

If we talk about today’s episode of Anupama, today’s episode of Anupama started with Indira ji filing a police complaint against her son and daughter-in-law due to which she had to go to the police station and here at Dean’s house, his wife is very nice. She is cleaning from the kitchen but then she says, I have cleaned for your guest but I will not be able to cook Gujarati food, then he says that I know this, so I called someone to the house today. Is for cooking then as soon as he says his name is Anupam Joshi, Adhya, hearing this, wonders if she is his mother? By then, Anupama reached the dean’s house where she had to cook food today. And as soon as Dean tells this to his wife, she gets very angry and says why did you invite someone to the house without asking me? Then he says for how long will you be afraid of this child. She says don’t do anything without asking me and at that very moment the doorbell rings.

Anupama 21 August Update

Image Credit: hotstar – serial anupama

And then she gets nervous and locks Aadhya in a room. Then Anupama enters and Aadhya sees Anupama from the door, then she thinks how should I tell Ma (Anupama) I am right here, if I learn and shout then Maa may also get harmed and then Meena Maa will lock me and keep me in the room like she did with me last time. Then Anupama has seen that Dean’s wife looks a little angry, on which Anupama remains, if you people ask, I will come after some time. But then day’s wife normally behave also helps and says no, you can come and do your work, if you have any need then you tell me. Then when Anupam reaches the washroom to wash his hands, his wife guides him. And then as soon as she is walking, she reaches Aadhya’s room, till then Dean’s wife sees her and shouts at her very loudly and says, then she says, you told me this then she says no, I told you to go from the front, this is our store room, if you open it then the smell will come out from it.

Anupama 21st August 2024 Episode:  Anna console Indira ji  

Here Anna console Indira ji. Whatever has happened, now you have come among your loved ones, now forget all those things and seeing this, Babuji and Sagar are very happy and say that now these two should never be separated. Here Anupama has prepared all his food and asks him to taste salt, on which Dean’s wife says, forgive me, I shouted at you too much, then Anupam says, no problem, madam, it happens like this. When she wants to eat, she says, “You have made it very tasty.” The dean and his wife are very happy after eating her food and he also gives him his payment and the dean also gives him the contract of the college canteen and says that tomorrow is Rakshabandhan and you can start it from tomorrow itself.

Here, as soon as Anupam bids farewell to the house, Adhya’s breathing gets stuck and she is crying, “Muma, I am here, how should I tell you this?” Then she finds a drawing and after seeing that drawing, she remembered Aadhya. By then Dean’s wife comes from behind and she says what are you doing then she says no this piece of paper had fallen down so I was picking it up and placing it on top then she asks who does this drawing Then Dean’s wife gets scared and says that it is my husband who does this and then Anupam is about to bid farewell to her and go back from the house when she hears a voice from inside that someone is calling her. But I still bid farewell to the house and leave.

Vanraj’s house in the Joy of Rakhi – Anupama 21st August 2024:

Here in Vanraj’s house, everyone is making Rakhi and sweets together, on which Kinjal says that whenever she felt like it, she also used to make Rakhi at home. Then Kinjal makes Meenu’s Rakhi and says that you have made such a nice Rakhi, Meenu. She says that I have learned this from my Anupama Mami, on this Baa says that you people know that Balraj does not like Anupama’s name and he is our enemy, yet you people keep chanting her name the whole day. Here in Vanraj’s house, everyone is making Rakhi and sweets together, on which Kinjal says that whenever she felt like it, she also used to make Rakhi at home. Then Kinjal makes Meenu’s Rakhi and says that you have made such a nice Rakhi, Meenu. She says that I have learned this from my aunt, on this Ba says that you people know that Balraj does not like Anupama’s name and he is our enemy, yet you people keep chanting her name the whole day. Then they are very excited that this time they will refresh all their old memories and celebrate Rakhi very well and with great pomp and then Meenu thinks that tomorrow she should be able to meet Mami also because aunty will be alone in this festival. Here, as Kinjal picks it up, she collides with him and then after seeing the money, he asks her whether she has gambled again but he says that he has not gambled. Then he goes and sits near Meenu.

Anupama 21st August 2024:  Dean cancel the College’s Canteen Contract

Here Anupama is saying thank you to Kanha ji in joy of her first achievement, then Anuj comes there and gives her some gift and says this is for you. And then he says to her that okay wherever you are going today, let me leave you and then Anu says okay. Then all the housemates congratulate Anu profusely and say all the best for her new work. And then Dean calls and cancels the contract, on which all the family members and Anupam become very sad and say that she is feeling only disappointed, no work is being done anywhere, then Anuj tells her. There is no need to always be strong and nice, you speak comfortably and get angry at whoever you want, till then Goneka Bhai’s call comes. Then he gives a huge contract to Anupama. And with this, today’s episode also ends and stay with us for further written updates.

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